Throughout my 30 years as a PGA instructor, one of the most common causes of inconsistency stems from a loss of balance throughout the golf swing. All elite golfers display good balance at address and retain it throughout the backswing and downswing motion.
Below are three simple tips that will help you achieve greater balance throughout your golf swing and as a result improve your consistency.

- At address/set-up, ensure that you have a little more of your bodyweight towards your toes or the balls of your feet rather than on your heels. (Pic 1 on heels wrong Pic 2 on balls of feet correct)
- During your practice swing/routine, try and stop at the top of your backswing to check that you have maintained a solid position without loss of balance. Maintaining the spinal angle you have at set-up/address is vital – if it becomes more upright you will have shifted weight to the back of your feet (heels). To assist in retaining your spinal angle to the completion of your backswing it may help to reduce the length of your backswing slightly. Pic 3 top of backswing position (down the line).
- After hitting each and every shot, hold your finish position for at least five seconds. (This will feel like an eternity). Remember, the harder you try to hit the ball the more likely it will be that you lose your balance.
Next time you’re out playing or practicing try these easy to remember tips – implementing them will improve your balance and produce more consistent shots.
Tom Long
Golf Professional